Single clip

product description

Wide  range  of  sizes  for  individual  clip  allows  to  use  various  types  of  pipes  made  of:  copper,  PP,  pex-al-pex,  metric,etc.). Being  the  most  popular  market  solution,  plastic  clips  are  available  in  diameters  from  6  mm  to  42  mm.  The  products are present as single and double.

MATERIAL:  Copolymer

Technical data:

  • temperature resistance: from -10˚C do +90˚C
  •   fixing temperature: from -10˚C •  high tensile strength
  •   colour: white ral 9002, others colours available on request
  •   temperature resistance - melting point 160˚C

ASSEMBLY: The  system  facilitating  pipe  placement  makes  an  easy  introduction  pipe  to  the  clip,  eliminating  the  possible  breaking of the arms. Clip can be mounted using screws, double- threaded  screws M6 and mounting rails.

  Confezione singola  Confezione multipla Pallet
Indice Diametro Dimensioni del prodotto 
X/Y/Z (mm)
Peso netto (g) Numero Dimensioni 
Peso lordo
Numero Dimensioni
Peso lordo
Numero Dimensioni
Peso lordo
A-690180 10 14.5 x 16.5 x 21 1.9 100 150 x 220 0.2 2500 395 x 260 x 165 5,1 225000 120 x 80 x 190 479
A-690197 12 17 x 15.5 x 23 2.5 100 160 x 250 0.3 1500 395 x 260 x 165 4,2 135000 120 x 80 x 190 399
A-690203 14-15 147x15,5x28 3.6 100 160 x 250 0.4 1000 395 x 260 x 165 3,9 90000 120 x 80 x 190 368
A-063437 14-15 24 x 15.5 x 26.5 3.4 100 160 x 250 0.3 1000 395 x 260 x 165 3,7 90000 120 x 80 x 190 350
A-690227 16-18 23 x 15.5 x 34 4.1 100 200 x 300 0.4 800 395 x 260 x 165 3,6 72000 120 x 80 x 190 340
A-690241 20-22 24.5 x 15.5 x38 5 50 160 x 250 0.3 600 395 x 260 x 165 3,3 54000 120 x 80 x 190 314
A-690265 25-28 32.5 x 15.5 x 50 9 50 200 x 300 0.5 300 395 x 260 x165 3 27000 120 x 80 x 190 287
A-690272 35 34 x 16.5 x 52 8.2 50 200 x 300 0.4 300 395 x 260 x165 2,7 27000 120 x 80 x 190 266
A-063390 42 - - - - - - - - - - -


We present the newest on-line catalog filled with TiA’s system solutions, covering a full range of products and accessories for surface heating and cooling systems. The catalog contains detailed technical specifications with the parameters of each product. In any questions or to get  more information about available solutions, please contact our Export Department.

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